Becoming a member certified and registered to practice counsellingIs there a list of steps I can review regarding steps involved in applying for membership?
Yes, go to the Membership Applications Page, and you will see application forms for each type of membership with the steps listed specific to each.
Upgrading my Membership
How do I go about upgrading my membership?
Go to the Upgrading page and you will find the steps listed to guide you in upgrading your professional desgnation.
For example, if you're a Student upgrading to an RPC-C, or an RPC-C upgrading to an RPC, you will find the appropriate forms for each type of upgrade.
Membership Dates and Renewal
Do all Memberships expire on December 31st, and when do people typically renew their membership?
Yes, all memberships expire on December 31st annually. Reminders to renew are usually sent to members in October.
What do I need to do to renew my membership?
On the Renewal and Good Standing page, you will find a list of the reporting requirements and attestations required for each membership and designation renewal.
What forms of payment are accepted?
Payments can be made via Visa or Mastercard by calling 250-558-3323 or 1-888-945-2722 or via e-transfer by emailing payment@theCPCA.ca. Debit Visa and Amex are not accepted.
Qualifying Exam
Are there resources available to assist in preparing for the qualifying exam?
Study: the CPCA Code of Ethics and the CPCA Standards of Practice
Watch these videos
Exam Proctoring
Does my Qualifying Exam need to be proctored in person?
Yes, proctoring must be in person. Prcotor decaration is required to schedule exam sitting.
Who can be a proctor?
A proctor can be any professional who has no invested interest in the outcome of the exam. Some acceptable examples include teachers, librarians, pastors, lawyers, realtors, etc. The Qualifying Exam is to be completed in a professional office space and is not to be taken in a home space.
Finding a Supervisor & Supervision Reporting Forms
Is there a place on the CPCA Website where I can search for a Supervisor?
Yes, go to the Counsellor Directory, and you can use the filter results by Designation or Region. In this specific case, you would locate the 'Search Designation/Region' category, and choose the 'Qualified Clinical Supervisor (MPCC-S)' option.
I have someone in mind that I would like to be my supervisor, but they are not listed on the CPCA Counsellor Directory as a Qualified Clinical Supervisor, what do I do?
They must meet the equivalency of the MPCC-S requirements to become approved as a Qualified Clinical Supervisor (QCS). Go to the page for Renewal & Good Standing.
How do I fill out the Quarterly Supervision Reporting form?
Watch this video created by the Registrar that explains the steps involved.
Regulation in Canada
What does Regulation look like in other provinces?
Our Regulatory Colleges page provides some insight on this topic.
Why should I apply to any Regulatory Body/College?
As regulation increases across the provinces and territories, it is vital that counsellors remain in compliance in the province they live in and in the provinces they work in. The CPCA has worked towards regulation since the 1990's and continues to stand for the Competency Model of recognition and registration. We remain diligent in working towards the recognition of Master's Equivalency within the structure of regulation as it develops.
Liability Insurance
Due to the number of questions, we receive around Liability Insurance, we have created a unique page dedicated to commonly asked questions on this topic.
Liability Insurance
Mission Statement
Improving the lives of individuals struggling with mental health
by working together to promote and support
competency in clinical counselling & psychotherapy.