Link to CPCA Approved Counselling Education Programs
The Canadian Professional Counsellors Association is a unique counselling association for several reasons. The most important reason is that the CPCA is the only counselling association that adheres to a Competency Based Model of certification and registration. You can learn more about the CPCA Competency Based Model by clicking on the linked text above.
If you are unsure if your counselling program meets the required educational core competencies to become a Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC) or Registered Professional Counsellor Candidate (RPC-C) please go the Eligibility Tab for more direction.
If you are an Educator Provider looking for academic approval of your counselling program, please email the National Registrar at registrar@theCPCA.ca.
Continuing Education/Professional Development in fulfillment of renewal requirements will meet the following criteria:
1. | CE is a training experience, whether (a) in-person or online, (b) whether by oneself or with a group, (c) whether live or previously recorded. (Previously recorded training must meet criteria 6 below) |
2. | CE must be educational, expanding your clinical knowledge and skills to better serve your clients clinically. Learning or instruction in counselling, counselling psychology, psychology, or psychotherapy theory and/or research; therapeutic modalities; clinical techniques, interventions, or strategies for implementation in the therapy session; structured program for certification in a therapeutic specialty (e.g., EMDR, DBT, EFT, Sand Tray, etc.). Professionally relevant development of Self specific to authentic and effective engagement in providing mental health services. |
3. | CE must come from an individual who has the appropriate training, experience, and expertise to do the training: (a) a master’s degree or equivalency, (b) a minimum of 5 years in clinical practice, (c) in good standing of their credentialing professional association, and (d) hold the appropriate title required to provide the training. |
4. | CE must be aligned to an approved Counselling Approach. To see a full list of approved counselling modalities, please go to your Member Dashboard and click on Counselling Approaches. |
5. | CE needs to align with the CPCA Counselling Core Competencies. |
6. | CE must be approved, signed off, or certified by the Trainer offering the CE verifying successful completion of the CE. Many times, a certificate is granted to attest to the successful completion of the CE. If not, you can request a letter or have them sign off on your documentation verifying your successful completion of the CE or use the Continuing Education Record Form below.
This Continuing Education Record form can be used to record any continuing education or professional development training completed. It also helps to track which core competencies you are further developing as you balance your knowledge and skill as a counselling therapist. Third-party verification is required for courses not listed on the website.
Check Out:
The following Courses/Providers have been approved by the CPCA
for Continuing Education (CE) Credits:
Emotional Freedom Technique
Introductory Level 1 - Basics and More Intensive
Online Training
Learn all the Introductory Level Techniques to deal with anxiety, fear, guilt, chronic pain and more! Be prepared to learn how to clear out the past, feel better NOW and plan strategies for the future
Investment: $285.00 (GST Included)
(10 hours of Zoom time)
Includes: Workbook and Certificate of Completion
This Training counts as 10 CEC's
Laugh & Learn
The Agitated Client
Online Training
What happens for us and our clients when they arrive agitated? How do we ground ourselves and then support the client through the session? What if a client comes to every session in this state? What if a client is living through the lens of agitation? Learn how to be grounded when our client cannot be - how to gently unravel a session when the client arrives agitated - how to support a client who lives in a seemingly constant state of agitation.
Presenter: Debra Coffey, RPC, MPCC-S
Healthstream Counselling & Wellness
Cost: $11.55 (includes GST)
This counts as 1 CEC
Emotional Freedom Technique
Intermediate Level 2 Intensive - Moving Into More
Topics Will Include:
EFT for trauma – The Gentle Techniques
Finding Core Issues
Asking the Right Questions
Dealing with Resistance
And more...
Investment: $420.00 (GST included)
15 hours of class time plus 3 hours paired homeowrk assignments
Includes: Workbook, Certificate of Completion, &
Mentoring Support (during and after the Training)
This Training counts as 16 CEC's
Participants will also be eligibile to pursue certification
as Intermediate EFT Practitioner
Special Emotional Freedom Technique Mini Workshop
EFT for Anger
EFT is a lovely technique that allows us to work through layers of emotion, belief, and thought; and find balance and peace in regard to some of the things we have experienced. One big powerful emotion we can encounter is anger.
What do we do…. In this mini-workshop we will focus on looking at what anger is and is not. We will discuss the shades of anger - is anger always bad? - how can we help a client work through anger? - cautions of working with anger - and more…..
Investment: $52.50 (GST included)
This Training counts as 2.5 CEC's
Online and In Person Professional Development Training
Certificate Program and Individual Courses Available
NACTATR provides communities in North America a system that strives to anticipate the threat of violence by individuals against others or themselves, and to reduce the impact of trauma. This threat response assessment model is used extensively in schools across Canada (just one example), and helps communities develop collaborative multidisciplinary teams focusing on early intervention, prevention, and aftermath strategies for crises, trauma, violence, and conflict.
Click on the title above to be taken to the website, for more information
Professional Development Training Opportunities
Online and In Person
Specialized and Culturally Competent Training
created for Therapists who want to work with First Responders
(designed by First Responders and Subject Matter Experts in the field).
Therapists who are certified in FRHT are listed in a unique directory that is made available to First Responder organizations who are in need of these specialized supports for their Members.
This Directory is currently only available in BC and AB.
Click on the title above to be taken to the FRHT website, for more information/the schedule of Training sessions that are upcoming.
Professional Development Training Opportunities
Online and In Person
The Gottman Trainers are pleased to offer most of their regularly scheduled In-Person Training Sessions through a Virtual On-Line format now - participants will still attend the training sessions live,
but remotely, via Zoom.
If your business has slowed down a bit right now, this might be the perfect time to complete that Training you have been meaning to attend - without any of the travel and hotel costs associated with the regular sessions.
Click on the title above to be taken to the Gottman Events page
for more information/the schedule of sessions that are still happening.
Online Professional Development Training Opportunities
(in English and French)
Assessment solutions and strategic guidance to help you identify talent, develop potential, and enhance organizational performance.
Psychometrics provides the right tools to address a range of organizational challenges such as teamwork, communication, conflict, leadership development, stress, and succession planning.
For more information about the Fees and Training dates for these types of Assessments, please click on the link in the title.
If you know of an Event or a Continuing Education Opportunity available for our CPCA members, please submit the details to events@theCPCA.ca
Mission Statement
Improving the lives of individuals struggling with mental health
by working together to promote and support
competency in clinical counselling & psychotherapy.