Listed below are the membership types offered by the CPCA with a brief description to assist in determining which membership type to apply for. Further details on eligibility and how to apply or upgrade membership can be found on the membership eligibility page.
Student Member - Student Application Form Must be enrolled in a college or university program which provides the minimum education criteria that facilitates the development of entry-level core competencies required for registration OR is enrolled in a course(s) which, in addition to previously acquired education, meets the minimum education requirements. Upon completion of the approved education with the developed core competencies and subsequent qualifying exam, a student member is eligible to apply for Candidate membership with the CPCA. Upgrading of designation requires successful completion of CPCA Qualifying Exam. |
RPC-C Registered Professional Counsellor Candidate - RPC-C Application Form Practicing counsellors who have not yet obtained the minimum clinical supervision required for Full membership and who are considered interns in the mental health field, once the minimum criteria has been met Candidate members will be eligible to apply for upgrade to Full membership. Please review the CPCA RPC-C Guide to answer many questions associated with how your RPC-C candidacy! The DCC hours, Practice hours, and Supervision hours are all documented and submitted to head office on a new fill-in spreadsheet. It is advisable that both the RPC-C and their supervisor both watch the Instructional video on how to use the new documentation form: |
Check out the RPC-C Guide to answer all your questions about your RPC-C Candidacy |  |
RPC Registered Professional Counsellor - RPC Application - Substantiation Full Members have completed a minimum of 600 hours in counselling and/or psychotherapy under clinical supervision by a mental health professional. These 600 hours include a minimum of (a) 150 supervision hours, (b) 250 direct clinical contact hours (DCC), and (c) 200 practice hours. |
MPCC Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling - MPCC App -Substantiation In addition to having practiced in the counselling field for a minimum of five (5) of the last eight (8) years, an MPCC member has completed a minimum of 1250 clinical practice hours including 750 DCC hours and 250 clinical supervision hours. |
MPCC-S Supervisor Members - MPCC-S Upgrade Application - Verification Form This application is only open to members who hold an MPCC designation from the CPCA who have practiced in the counselling field for a minimum of eight (8) of the last ten (10) years. To become an MPCC-S is a three-step process. First, you need to complete 30 hours of education specific to Clinical Supervision. There are a number of sites that provide online clinical supervision training. There are many possible sources for specific education in clinical supervision you can access.
Second, complete the MPCC-S Upgrade Application Form and gather all documentation needed (see page 1 of the application). - Send to upgrade@theCPCA.ca with "MPCC-S Uppgrade Application" in the subject line with all attachments mentioned in the application form.
- Send upgrade fee of $75 (plus applicable fees and taxes)
- Once the upgrade is approved, the difference in your membership dues will be required.
- Send MPCC-S Recommendation Form to those who are recommending you (see details in the application form) and have them forward it to upgrade@theCPCA.ca
Once completed, you will be a "Qualifying MPCC-S" as your designation. Third, complete and submit the MPCC-S Supervision Verification Form (SV1.1) which verifies the completion of 100 hours of clinical supervision for which you received clinical supervision. After completing this third step, you will receive the "MPCC-S" full designation.
Supervisor Non-MembersClinical supervisor qualifications have been verified for the purpose of providing clinical supervision to a CPCA member – usually a Candidate member; no designation is awarded, and approval is connected to a specific CPCA Candidate for RPC registration.
Mission Statement
Improving the lives of individuals struggling with mental health
by working together to promote and support
competency in clinical counselling & psychotherapy.