How do I renew my Membership?
Not sure how to renew your CPCA Membership? Be sure to check out and watch the new "CPCA Membership Renewal Video" (12.5 min) to understand how you can renew for 2025 Start your renewal today!

For your CPCA Membership Renewal for 2025, start with signing into your Member Dashboard!
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Safari browser. Please use Firefox, Chrome, or Edge.

Continuing Education / Professional Development and Clinical Supervision are essential annually to remain in good standing for all CPCA members holding a practicing designations.
CPCA Guidelines for Supervision and CE
The following are the mandatory requirements for each membership. This information must be submitted in the members Dashboard in order to remain in good standing on or before December 31st annually.
Student members must submit:
- Confirmation of current enrollment
- Student members are non-practicing
Candidate (intern) members must submit:
- Confirmation of liability insurance
- Confirmation of all required attestations
- Up-to-date submissions of Quarterly Supervision Reports (QSR)
- Payment of membership fees
Full & Master level members (RPC and MPCC) must submit:
- Confirmation of liability insurance
- Confirmation of all required attestations
- Confirmation of Continuing Education (min 12 hours)
- Confirmation of ongoing Clinical Supervision (min 6 hours)
- Payment of membership dues
Supervisor members (MPCC-S) must submit:
- Confirmation of liability insurance
- Confirmation of all required attestations
- Confirmation of registration as a Qualified Clinical Supervisor
- Confirmation of Continuing Education (CE) (min 12 hours)
- Confirmation of ongoing Clinical Supervision (min 6 hours)
- Payment of membership dues
To renew Membership as Non-Practicing, please contact Donnaat Head Office
Confirmation of current good-standing membership can be requested by emailing membersupport@thecpca.ca once verified, a letter of good standing will be issued by email.
Continuing Education/Professional Development Guidelines
Continuing Education/Professional Development in fulfillment of renewal requirements will meet the following criteria:
1. | CE is a training experience, whether (a) in-person or online, (b) whether by oneself or with a group, (c) whether live or previously recorded. (Previously recorded training must meet criteria 6 below) |
2. | CE must be educational, expanding your clinical knowledge and skills to better serve your clients clinically. Learning or instruction in counselling, counselling psychology, psychology, or psychotherapy theory and/or research; therapeutic modalities; clinical techniques, interventions, or strategies for implementation in the therapy session; structured program for certification in a therapeutic specialty (e.g., EMDR, DBT, EFT, Sand Tray, etc.). Professionally relevant development of Self specific to authentic and effective engagement in providing mental health services. |
3. | CE must come from an individual who has the appropriate training, experience, and expertise to do the training: (a) a master’s degree or equivalency, (b) a minimum of 5 years in clinical practice, (c) in good standing of their credentialing professional association, and (d) hold the appropriate title required to provide the training. |
4. | CE must be aligned to an approved Counselling Approach. To see a full list of approved counselling modalities, please go to your Member Dashboard and click on Counselling Approaches. |
5. | CE needs to align with the CPCA Counselling Core Competencies. |
6. | CE must be approved, signed off, or certified by the Trainer offering the CE verifying successful completion of the CE. Many times, a certificate is granted to attest to the successful completion of the CE. If not, you can request a letter or have them sign off on your documentation verifying your successful completion of the CE or use the Continuing Education Record Form below.
Clinical Supervision Guidelines
Each member of the CPCA (RPC, MPCC, and MPCC-S) is required to participate in a minimum of 6 hours of Clinical Supervision each year. This supervision should be entered into the Member Dashboard as it takes place throughout the year and is required prior to renewal each year.
Your Clinical Supervisor must hold an MPCC-S designation (in good standing). If you choose a supervsior not registered with the CPCA, they must meet the following standards:
1. | Clinical Counselling Focus & Experience - Your clinical supervisor has been a clinical counsellor for 8 years and continuing to practice and trained in the CPCA Counselling Core Competencies. (e.g.: A social work, human service, or nursing degree alone would not meet the core competencies). |
2. | Adequate Counselling Education - Your clinical supervisor has completed education equivalent to a master-level in clinical counselling (Example: master-level education from an accredited counselling/psychotherapy program, a masters in a counselling related field) |
3. | Credentials - Your clinical supervisor holds a designation/credentials in another Counselling Association and/or Regulatory Body and is “in good standing” and is also recognized as a clinical supervisor by their association/regulatory body. Examples might include but are not limited to CCPA, BCACC, a registered psychologist, a Registered Psychotherapist (CRPO), CAMFT, etc.
4. | Supervision Training - Your clinical supervisor has training specific to supervision. This training is in how to provide clinical supervision. |

Notice: If you have difficulty accessing Dashboard, please avoid using Safari browser.
Please use Firefox, Chrome, or Edge.
Mission Statement
Improving the lives of individuals struggling with mental health
by working together to promote and support
competency in clinical counselling & psychotherapy.