When submitting a payment for a product or service of the CPCA Head Office, please be sure to include the following with your payment: 
  1. Admin Fee of $5.00
  2. Applicable provincial GST/HST amount  
GST Provinces: BC, YT, NT, AB, NU, SK, MB, QC = 5%       
HST Provinces:  ON = 13%   PE = 14%   NB, NL, NS = 15%
Payments may be submitted via credit card or e-transfer.
  1. If you are submitting your payment via e-transfer: Send to payment@theCPCA.ca 

  2. If you are a member, making a credit card payment use your Member Dashboard.

  3. If you are not a member yet, using a credit card please use the applicable link below.
CPCA National Application Payment Links:
Western Regions Application Fee: https://buy.stripe.com/cN20302cW4SF3mw4gk 
Ontario App Fee: https://buy.stripe.com/9AQ7vscRA70Ng9i5kt 
Atlantic Regions Application Fee: https://buy.stripe.com/6oE9DAcRA0CpbT23cy 
CPCA Qualifying Exam Payment Links: 
Western Regions QE Fee: https://buy.stripe.com/28o3fc8Bk3OBe1a3ck 
Ontario QE Fee: https://buy.stripe.com/7sIeXUaJs0CpaOYdR0 
Atlantic Regions QE Fee: https://buy.stripe.com/dR64jg2cWdpb7CMcMX
CPCA Student Application Payment Links: 
Western Regions Student App: https://buy.stripe.com/4gw2b818S84Rg9icMN 
Ontario Student App: https://buy.stripe.com/7sIg1YcRA2KxaOY14s 
Atlantic Regions Student App: https://buy.stripe.com/28o030g3M1GtbT29AZ 
Qualifying Exam Links: CPCA Student Qualifying Exam Payment Links (less 50%)
Western Regions QE Link: https://buy.stripe.com/14k8zweZI98V2is3cf 
Ontario Link: https://buy.stripe.com/6oEaHE9FoacZbT26oJ 
Atlantic Regions QE Link: https://buy.stripe.com/8wM6ro04Ofxjf5e14r

Mission Statement

Improving the lives of individuals struggling with mental health
by working together to promote and support
competency in clinical counselling & psychotherapy.